Friday, October 25, 2019

Theatre Play :: essays research papers

Triple Threat Cell phone rings Chris Hey what’s up man? Chris Naw man, I’m busy tonight, I’ve got three dates Chris Ya man, three different girls, and they don’t even know Chris I’m taking one of them to lunch, another to dinner, and then I’m gonna meet the one at the bar Chris I met the first one in my theatre class, man she’s hot! I am taking her to lunch Chris The second one I met at Wal-mart. She was checkin me out. I’m taking her to dinner Chris And the last one is that one girl from last week at the bar, remember? I’m meeting her there later Chris So, do you think I can pull this off? Chris No? Man you know I’ve got dem skills..Later Next Scene Chris Hey how’s it going? Anna I’m fine how are you? Chris I’m good, man Brent’s class sure was enjoyable today wasn’t it? Anna Ohh yes, I had so much fun Waitress Can I get you all something to drink? Chris A water please Anna A water Waitress Would you like to order? Chris I would like a salad Anna I would like a triple cheeseburger, fries, and a loaded baked potato Chris Damn girl! Hungry? Anna Naw not really, I ate breakfast awhile ago Anna So, what are you doing tonight? Chris I am going to my grandma’s birthday party all day, you? Anna I’m going out with some of my girls Chris Well that’s cool Chris How’s the food? Anna Awesome, you want a bite? Chris No thanks, it’s all yours Chris So are you going to get the bill? Anna Hell no I’m not paying, do you think I would have ordered all this? Chris It’s cool, I got it, you know I’m a baller End date one Waitress Weren’t you here earlier? Chris Nope, you must have me mistaken with someone else Waitress No I’m sure it was you, are you sure? Chris Nope sure wasn’t me Waitress Ok then, how many? Chris Just two Michelle How’s your day going? Chris It’s good and yourself? Michelle Mines good, I just got off the phone with a friend and she had a terrible lunch date with some guy Chris Ohh really? That sucks Michelle Ya she came here Chris Ohh..I see†¦ Waitress Would you like something to drink? Chris We’ll both have water..with lemon that’s not extra is it? Michelle Well..thanks? Chris No problem Waitress Are you ready to order? Chris Ya, is it possible for us to order off the kids menu? Waitress No, not so much Chris Ok then, we’ll split the appetizer sampler Michelle Wow, don’t go all out Chris It’s cool, I’ve got plenty Chris So how’s wal-mart treating ya? Michelle Well it’s good, I have been getting a lot of hours since one girl†¦(Chris checks out another girl and says hi)..Uhh hello? Chris Uhh ya, that’s cool Michelle So what are you doing tonight? Chris Well I am going to ball with my boys and then we are going to hang at the house. What about you?

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