Tuesday, November 26, 2019
buy custom Academic Poster essay
buy custom Academic Poster essay The above academic poster was created after considering the appropriate theories and models applicable in designing of posters. The diagram shows a schematic representation of tools that are expected to be used in the risk management analysis of TECHNEAU. The particular case study was conducted on TECHNEAU to try to perform an effective risk assessment. Also, it was created to improvise risk management techniques in the provision of safe drinking water for individuals. A case study was carried on to assess the risks that exist in the provision of safe drinking water for individuals and the provision at an affordable cost for all the stakeholders involved (Techneau.org, 2009). There are many potential risks in water provision services. Some of the risks include the provision of water containing too many chemicals. They can be added over the required and recommended levels. Personnel, working at the water provision services organization, might also fault and fail to put any water treatment or no water treatment chemicals as required. This is likely to result in potential health problems for the individuals that might consume the water. Such risk would have a high likelihood of leading to deaths, especially if people would not be notified of the disease causing pathogens that they might be exposed to after consumption of the water. It would also have a high probability of exposing the organization to litigation in court. There are many individuals in the society, which would not understand why the organization failed to perform its duty in provision of safe drinking water to people that depend on it. The actual occurrence of such risk would also make stakeho lders of the organization and its clients lose confidence in the company. As a result, they would feel that such an action might occur again since it has already happened in the first place (Techneau.org, 2009). After analysis of all the possible negative outcomes the company, therefore, felt that it was necessary for them to perform a risk analysis, which would expose the weak areas in the organization. The management of the company developed policies and guidelines that once implemented could avoid risks and remove hazards. Risk management was also performed to offer means through which the organization could develop control measures in case the organization was to actually experience the identified risks (Drennan McConnell, 2007). When analysis is performed on water, the personnel evaluates the results and interprets them on the basis on the risks that the water poses, in terms of endangering individuals health. The personnel is trained to classify the levels whether it is acceptable or not. The level of risk that is posed might be at low levels and might warrant the personnel to control the overall risk. Once the risk levels have been measured, the management of the organization should decide on the best ways to deal with the outcomes such as leave the situation the way it is, completely change the situation or reduce the risk levels. The performed action would also be dependent on the available funds and on the training of the available personnel. In the TECHNEAU case study, the risk analysis, risk evaluation and risk reduction tools and methods were analysed more carefully. Risk Measures Risk measures, utilized in this particular case study, involved use of qualitative and quantitative means to get a better perspective of the situation. The qualitative technique used in analysis and measure of the risks in the organization included Coarse Risk analysis (CRA) (Boulder et al, 2007). The potential hazardous situations in the provision of water services for the organization were graded depending on the level of the occurrence chance. The chance that the risk might occur is issued with a P (frequency/ probability). The outcome of the risk event occurring is designated as C for outcome of each of the events. The chances of events occurring are issued with different terms such as rare or frequently occurring. The likely outcomes of the risk factors are classified on the scales as being small, intermediate or very serious (Techneau.org, 2009). Trained personnel in the water provision sector could be able to give details that are more specific on areas such as a more comprehensive approach of interpreting different levels of the consequences that exist as the risk factors in the water outcomes. For example, an individual that has been trained on technical issues about water supply could be able to translate that rare could mean that the risk factor of the given event could be once in a week or once in three months. A trained individual might also be able to provide the translation of small in context of a health risk. It means that the one should be able to explain how untreated water could affect individuals health. The figure shows the probable outcomes. It could be used to give the information used for analysis of the results. The figure shows the chances of the different likelihoods and the different outcomes. The obtained results could be used for interpreting the data using methods such as the free tree analysis. It could be done in order to give results that can be clearly understood and used for presentation to individuals that might not have technical training about water provision details (Twig, 2004). The parameters, which would be affected by the water provision in this case, would be the possible negative health outcomes for clients who consume the water. To correct the situation, the water provision company would have to cut off the water supply to the clients. It is done in order to do damage control of the water by providing treating with necessary chemicals. The company also tested whether the treatment be effective in terms of making the water safe for consumption through killing disease causing pathogens in the water (Techneau.org, 2009). The management of the organization would have to conduct a survey on resilience of the risk. Acknowledging and accepting risks are one of the greatest steps towards achieving the desired risk management in organizations. The discovered risks could be compared to already established guidelines that state the levels of acceptable risk for the organization. Through use of the acceptable outcomes, the management team could be able to make the necessary decisions concerning water provision and the necessary action to be taken. For example, the risk factor could be found to be so huge that the company would have to close their water supply to certain areas. It is performed in order to treat the water and control the risk that has already been breached. Risk control would invole strict control measures to reduce the negative effects on people exposed to the contaminated water. The management would have to make fast decisions even if the information available to them would be limited (Thorton, 2002). Risk control involves contacting all the stakeholders so that they could be aware of the situation so that they could play their part. The risk control action should be taken to the management of the company and should involve careful planning. For example, the management should be aware of the time that is needed to resolve the technical difficulties. Risk control should be used together with other tools in the organization to ensure that the risk is well handled and the organization is able to save the situation at hand (Solvic, 2000). The management should be as open as possible when its representatives communicate to the clients about the problem they might face and the measures being taken. It is used to ensure that systems are corrected, up and running. Once the management briefs the clients through the media, they can be able to salvage their image with the public. As they are admitted to the fact they make mistakes, but they are sufficiently noble to acknowledge their mistake and seek fast and effective solutions. The determination should be shown effective to all the members involved. Systematic processes should be followed by the organization to come up with solutions for risk outcomes. The principle of proportionality dictates that the possible decisions, proposed by the organization, have to offer highly valuable determinations, which confer benefits in comparison to losses and to all the stakeholders. The principle of reason should use the decision making process. Thee action should be within the economic limits and capabilities of the organization. The principle of allocation should be applied whereby the resultant outcome should ensure that neither the organization nor the society feels unfair through the decision. All the decisions that might have risky outcomes should be avoided. This is dictated by the principle of risk avoidance. The case study shows the different aspects that might have to be considered by an actual organization. Part B Analysis of Theory, Concepts and Research in the Poster Application of risk management in the poster Uncertainty is a risk that all organizations have to encounter because not everything that they plan is likely to come up the way it has to. Furthermore, different actions, carried out by the management, are likely to lead to different outcomes some of which might be unexpected. Risk management is necessary in the modern world where competition has gripped all organizations and they struggle to stay afloat amid the competition (Drennan McConnell, 2007). Organizations have to come up with innovative techniques and involvement of talented human resources to gain a competitive advantage, especially when benchmarked with other organizations. Competition has evolved to global level with the introduction of many products and services that have gained popularity and enlarged markets all over the world. Trading in a competitive environment automatically introduces an element of risk. It has to be well managed in order to ensure that an organization remains in business and is still competitive in comparison to other organizations that might be dealing with the same kind of business or trade (Kasperson, 2005). Risk management can be applied to any form of organization regardless of size and business area. It involves identification of risks, use of available resources to minimize and control those risks. Most common risks are usually caused by the nature of uncertainty in financial markets, wrong direction in the course of a project, carried out (Tversky Kahneman, 1983). Failure of a project can occur at any point starting from the initial point, when it was created, to the phase when the project is implemented. Risks might arise from factors that the organization has no control over uncontrolled factors. For example, an earthquake might lead to huge losses in terms of profits. The losses might be huge in terms of lost opportunities or loss of confidence from stakeholders. One of the actual risks might be an attack from competitors. It would require the organization to do damage control and try to emerge on top in such a situation (Twig, 2004). Risk management is a very important and necessary field to be applied to business. The accurate assessment can be used in the application of strategies dealing with such risks as transfer to a specialist in the area of risk management. The possible negative outcomes can also be managed in a way of mitigating the undesirable effect and lead to better results. Risk Principles, Practices and Terminologies Different risks exist in organizations and they are always dealt with according to the seriousness and available resources. In most business structures, the risks that can lead to the greatest losses are a matter of priority. Sometimes risk might not be tangible. This aspect is known as intangible risk management (Thorton, 2004). The type of risk usually occurs because organizations do not have enough information to deal with the kinds of risks they are exposed to. Process engagement is also a common exposure that might occur when the correct processes are not followed. Relationship hazard occurs in organizations that are usually exposed to ineffective work processes. It might be caused by lack of team work and communication (Twig, 2004). Various principles are used in the assessment and management of risks to encourage effectiveness in application of different techniques. Creation of value should be one of the first processes that are secured before the implementation of the risk management process. The risk management process should create the concept of integrating all the involved employees in the implementation process that contributes to the reduction or control of risks facing the organization. The international organization standardization (ISO) dictates that risk management principles should involve addressing of all assumptions and uncertainties that might be held by the staff in the organization (Royal Society Study Group, 1992). Addressing of the employees attitudes and actions is a very important factor in the management of risks. A systematic process should be followed to ensure that all members of the organization are involved in the processes that are undertaken in the risk management (Solvic, 2000). All risk analyses and management should be desiigned to suit the risk needs of the specific organization. There are no two organizations alike and this should be reflected in the solution that is made available to one of them. To ensure that there are free flow of information, risk management solutions should be very transparent. This would increase clarity for the employees in terms of their roles and objectives that they would be expected to fulfil (Chapman, 2007). Key Conceptual Models of Safety Culture and Error Management Organizations should ensure that the employees are highly trained in terms of dealing with potential risks that might occur depending on the field of business. Management should also strive to establish safety cultures whereby regular training is performed. Teams should be put together to improve their trust relations and their ability to tolerate and appreciate each others differences. it would promote a harmonious working environment at the workplace (Drennan McConnell, 2007). Organizations should establish and implement consistent and systematic guidelines that would promote a safety culture in the organization. Error management targets the reduction of risks occurrence in organizations and the mitigation of the consequences when they do occur in organizations. Organizations can positively view the management of errors to avoid too much pressure on the employees, which might result in more errors. Organizations find out the situations that might lead to high stress factors for their employees. Management has to work in the direction of reducing stress factors and any other aspects that might cause to reduction of errors made in the organization (Kasperson, 2005). Construction of Risks Risk is constructed with the help of various techniques. The stuff of higher level determines the risk management tools and techniques to be utilized in organizations. The qualitative risk management tools are usually aimed at the development of knowledge about tools that can reduce the risks, which can occur in organization, and means of avoiding those hazards. Quantitative risks are usually used to control the risks that might occur in an organization through the implementation of security systems, which would avoid or mitigate the risk in question (Solvic, 2000). Qualitative methods should make proper use of the human personnel in the organization. Those people, who are on the ground, might be in a good position to offer solutions to problems that the organization is facing. Tools for identifying risks involve using technology, brainstorming, self-assessment sessions and workshops, carried out by risk management experts, filling questionnaires and conducting interviews (L fstedt, 2003). Relationship between Risk Management, Strategy, and Governance Risk management is considered to be important as far as organizations need to develop in order to gain a competitive advantage over their competitors and ensure that they perform as well as expected within an organization. Risk management is a strategic tool used in organizations to develop stable workable systems. Effective managers ensure that the organizations have well equipped risk management systems so that they could effectively diagnose the risks that might be faced. It is performed in order to reduce negative financial effects related to risks (Chapman, 2007). This would help businesses to stay afloat in the market and to appear competitive when benchmarked with others that work in the same sphere. Leaders, using risk management, can expect high results in terms of performance because of the effective diagnosis and tools used in risk management (Bouder et al, 2007). Vulnerability and Resilience In an organization, the management of factors that might lead to the reduction of profits that are likely to be gained should be given priority in terms of resources, time and personnel allocation. Avoiding risks can be one of the best methods to ensure that businesses do not risk losses of their resources and, in case they risk their losses, the losses might be reduced. The disadvantage with avoiding risks is that it might lead to loss of opportunities that might present potentially high benefits (Frenkel et al, 2005). Hazard prevention involves avoiding risks in case of an emergency. Risk reduction is also a commonly used by many organizations, for example, use of software security systems to ensure that the costs that are incurred are controlled effectively. Risk resilience involves acknowledging and accepting losses that have occurred and an attempt to reconstruct the parts of the organization that has incurred damage. Risk resilience might involve risks that result in high damage to the organization in terms of not being insured or risks that might not be acknowledged by insurance companies. Such risks might include natural catastrophes such as earthquakes, typhoons and other kinds of natural disasters that might involve a lot of damage to a company. Risk communication involves various principles, which should be adhered, to ensure that firms maximize available risk management resources (Frenkel et al., 2005). Communication in risk management should be concise and involving to the members of the organization. It is important that the employees feel they are involved in not only the implementation process, but also in the decision making. In risk communication, the management should ensure that they have all the necessary analysis information in terms of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The detailed information would place the organization at a competitive edge in comparison to their competitors and give possibility to deal with issues that affect them. Problems that organizations encounter can be either internal or external. The external environment and the stakeholders should be communicated to and given the necessary information they require. It helps them to perceive the organization in the way that is intended and in a beneficial manner. The management of the organization should ensure that it deals with the concerns of both the internal and the external stakeholders (Bouder et al, 2007). Shareholders might have concerns about anticipated risks or those that have already occurred in the organization. The management should ensure that it prepares the necessary information of a report to address the concerns of such clients. When clients and shareholders feel that their concerns are addressed instead of being ignored, they are more likely to show trust to the organization and confidence in it even when it appears that the organization performs badly (Crounchy, Galai Mark, 2000). Buy custom Academic Poster essay
Friday, November 22, 2019
Prodigal vs. Prodigy
Prodigal vs. Prodigy Prodigal vs. Prodigy Prodigal vs. Prodigy By Mark Nichol Prodigal means ââ¬Å"to spend wastefully.â⬠So, what does that have to do with the biblical parable of the prodigal son, and what does being prodigal have to do with being a prodigy? As it happens, thereââ¬â¢s no connection between the two words, though an assumption that they are synonymous may lead some people to believe, erroneously, that the phrase ââ¬Å"prodigal sonâ⬠refers to an impressive young man. For those of you who have forgotten, or never learned, the story of redemption from the Bible, the younger of two sons prematurely demands his inheritance from his father. The older man complies with his wishes, and the youth leaves home, where he foolishly fritters away his fortune. Reduced to penury, he returns home, prepared to beg for forgiveness, but his father welcomes him and causes for a celebration. When the older son bristles at this injustice, for he has worked hard in his fatherââ¬â¢s service and has received no preferential treatment, the father explains that they should rejoice that the younger son has returned to the family fold. Prodigal, which is derived from the Latin term prodigere, which means ââ¬Å"to drive away or squander,â⬠also means ââ¬Å"lavish,â⬠and in addition it has a sense of luxuriance that may, depending on context, be negative, neutral, or positive. However, the word is usually employed to allude to the parable in references to a redeemed returner as a prodigal son. Prodigy, by contrast, is from a distinct Latin word, prodigium, meaning ââ¬Å"omen or monsterâ⬠(both of which stem from a precursor word that means ââ¬Å"to warnâ⬠). The most common sense of prodigy is in reference to an unusually talented young person, although, more rarely, yet with more fidelity to its Latin roots, it may also mean ââ¬Å"something extraordinary or inexplicable,â⬠or ââ¬Å"a great accomplishment.â⬠Another rare usage is as a synonym for omen. The adjectival form, prodigious, has lost its connection with omen (portentous is often, in its place, applied to omens) and means ââ¬Å"strange or excitingâ⬠or, in keeping with the connection to monster, ââ¬Å"enormous.â⬠Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Punctuating ââ¬Å"Soâ⬠at the Beginning of a Sentence3 Cases of Complicated HyphenationWhat Is the Meaning of "Hack?"
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Discussion - MKT 571 - Week 7 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Discussion - MKT 571 - Week 7 - Assignment Example General Motors, the worlds largest vehicle manufacturer, was founded in 1908.It designs, manufacturers and markets vehicles worldwide. In 1998, the company generated over 160 billion in revenue on global operations. The vehicles are sold in almost 180 countries and the Company has manufacturing operations 50 countries and more. The company has employees about 390,000 worldwide. One of the key reasons for this companyââ¬â¢s success is the implementation of General Motors Trade Xchange. This is the companyââ¬â¢s virtual Internet community, its suppliers and customers, allowing them to carry out business dealings with speed and proficiency. This was followed by the inclusion of i2 Technologies. i2 would provide supply chain organization services and business process capability to General Motors Trade Xchange. i2s solutions help trading partners cooperate more efficiently and enhance receptiveness to customers (Pauline 48). They also are expected to cut supply chain costs and expan d manufacturing efficacies and reduce stocks. The services are anticipated to enable GM Trade Xchange to increase elasticity for better order-to-delivery. . Thus much of its success is attributed to use of e-commerce and also brand
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Psychology (Systems and Theories) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Psychology (Systems and Theories) - Essay Example The science acquires knowledge through systematic study of observation, experimentation of an event or a phenomenon of interest. The hypothesis developed which is based on observation is investigated thoroughly by designing and carrying out series of experiments. Then, the experimental results are analyzed and explained in a systematized manner. The conclusions of the result verify the theory proposed related to observed event. Thus, in a scientific research, hypothesis is verified and a theory or the principle of the phenomenon is established. Every psychological research is evaluated as science. The scientific methods are applied to study human behavior to get accurate understanding of past, present and future behavior. The psychology scientifically studies emotional processes related to perception, cognition, personality, behavior and interpersonal relationships. The psychologist scientifically intervenes a particular behavior by playing with the parameters and tries to get expect ed results through predicted behavior. The problems faced are structured according to a particular theory or scientifically acceptable principle. The experiments are designed by manipulating a situation. In the experimental procedures, the individualââ¬â¢s response to a particular condition is observed. The individualââ¬â¢s reaction is a data in scientific terms and is a measure of effect when subjected to a particular cause. The dependable parameters are varied to get set of data which is further analyzed. Likewise, the sample is also exposed to different circumstances to create a databank of situation and responses. Standards and controls as used in scientific research are also used to compare the results in psychological research. The control groups are exposed to neutral condition and sample groups are exposed to manipulated condition. Sometimes double blind studies
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Masonry Oven and Pizza Essay Example for Free
Masonry Oven and Pizza Essay Pizza is oven-baked flat bread usually topped with tomato sauce, cheese and various toppings. The modern pizza was invented in Naples, Italy, and the dish has since become popular in many parts of the world. Pizza can be baked in an oven with stone bricks above the heat source, an electric deck oven, a conveyor belt oven or, in the case of more expensive restaurants, a wood- or coal-fired brick oven. On deck ovens, pizza can be slid into the oven on a long paddle, called a peel, and baked directly on the hot bricks or baked on a screen (a round metal grate, typically aluminum). When made at home, it can be baked on a pizza stone in a regular oven to reproduce the effect of a brick oven. Another option is grilled pizza, in which the crust is baked directly on a barbecue grill. Greek pizza, like Chicago-style pizza, is baked in a pan rather than directly on the bricks of the pizza oven. There are several rules to be obligatory followed for making a pizza. The dough should contain flour, natural yeast (brewerââ¬â¢s yeast allowed), salt and water. No kind of fat permitted. The diameter of pizza should not exceed 30 cm. The dough should be made by hands or by means of certified mixers preventing it from overheating. Pizza should be rolled out by hands only. All other methods including rolling-pin application are forbidden. Pizza should be baked in the immediate bottom of the oven. Neither frying pans nor baking trays permitted; the oven should be bricked and lined with fireproof materials similar to the volcanic rock. The oven should be burned with natural wood. The temperature in the oven should not be less than 400 à °C. Pizza should be thoroughly baked but not over dried; its edges should be high, gentle but crispy at the same time. Pizza is an emerging fast food in Indian urban areas. American pizza chains Dominos Pizza and Pizza Hut opened their first outlets in India in 1996. Domestic pizza brands include Smokin Joes and Pizza Corner. Pizza is probably the most delicious meal I ever had. Every time I have pizza I create memories. Thereââ¬â¢s always laughter, talking, and just having fun when I eat this meal. Every time I eat pizza I always have a good time. I love when the crust is soft and hot, itââ¬â¢s just wonderful. The sweet warm sauce is just mouthwatering. Thereââ¬â¢s nothing better than the cheesy, gooey cheese in your mouth. Pizza might be greasy and unhealthy but it sure is affordable. This meal is just one of akind.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Grand Essay About Reconstruction :: essays research papers
The Civil War was inevitable and regardless of the outcome on the fields of battle, the reconstruction of the nation was equally inevitable because as much as the North and the South had irrevocable differences, it was in the mutual interest of the North, the South and the West to maintain a relationship based on symbiosis. The Civil War and the reconstruction of the nation were bound to happen. There was a great diversity throughout the nation within the three sections. Differences in opinions and rules in slavery, economic and civilization differences are all examples of causes of the Civil War. However, the reconstruction of the nation was necessary, because the three sections needed each other to survive. à à à à à The Civil war was inevitable. Because of the great diversity between the North and the South, the Civil War was bound to happen. Slavery was one of the many causes of the Civil War. It presented a moral issue, since it dealt with human beings and invaded individual freedom and democratic ideals. Slavery greatly distinguished the South from the North, and was the major issue dividing the two sections. The differences in economy also added to the cause of the Civil War. The South had become agricultural, and the North had become industrial. These economic differences led to sectional rivalry on issues such as slavery and the protective tariff. The interpretation of the federal Union differed between the two sections as well. The South insisted that the federal Union was created by the states; therefore, any state had the right to secede. The North thought otherwise; they believed that people created the Union and no state had the right to secede. The South favored, and the North opposed the extension of slavery into the West. Most of the West became tied economically to the North by a network of railroads and trade. Southerners realized that Western lands were not suitable for cotton culture, and realized that they were losing Western support, and the South would remain a minority section in the Union. The North and the South had differences in civilization. A small aristocracy of influential planter families dominated the Southern civilization, compared to the more dynamic and democratic Northern civilization. This difference in civilizations made understanding each otherââ¬â¢s point of view difficult, which added to the causes of the war. Lastly, people in both the North and the South exaggerated differences.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Key Components in the Leisure and Recreation Industry Essay
Recreational activities fall into six key components, which in turn are divided into sectors. Some activities will fit into more than one category, and other activities are hard to put into any category, such as bridge clubs- are they a sport or a home based leisure activity ? The main components are: * Arts and Entertainment * Home-based Leisure * Countryside recreation * Catering * Heritage and visitor attractions * Sports and physical recreation Arts and Entertainment This is a huge industry that includes many sectors, they are: Arts The arts, apart from commercial cinema and theatre is a precarious industry where losses are easily incurred due to high costs and a very fragmented market. Sponsorship and grants play an important part in these. The public sector plays the most crucial part in funding arts. At the top is the Arts Council, which in 1999 gave out à ¯Ã ¿Ã ½188 million in grants. Much of this came from the National Lottery. Some of it was given out to Regional Arts Boards who then fund local projects. Much of the grant aid is given directly to organisations or individuals. The Arts Council is not the only national public sector organisation to be involved in the arts. One important group is The British Film Institute (BFI) which is responsible for supporting film makers, and the promotion of the British film industry. Local authorities play an important role as well. They employ arts development officers who promote the arts locally and will support local artists. Some larger authorities employ established artists in residence, who work in the area promoting their art and creating commissioned pieces. Local Authorities are major providers of galleries and performance space such as town hall stages or community theatres or even parish halls. In some cases, such as the Lyric Theatre at Hammersmith, London is a part owner of a commercial theatre. Voluntary sector groups also contribute to this sector. Many trusts exist to develop minority arts or provide for specialist audiences. For example, Wolf and Water in Devon is a drama trust dedicated to working with people with special needs. Entertainment Classified as entertainment are popular performing arts and spectacles. The voluntary sector is important here as nationwide participation in amateur dramatics and music is a popular pursuit. Public provision is also evident but has changed in recent years. Thirty years ago most town halls and civic entertainments programme of films, theatre and musicals. This has largely disappeared now and has been replaced by events programmes that are organised by various departments. For example, many sports centres will host travelling theatre and ballet companies such as the Royal Exchange Theatre Group, while arts officers will book in tourism exhibitions. In the streets and parks outside, groups are invited to put on events such as the hot-air balloon events in Bristolââ¬â¢s Parks. It is the private sector that monopolises entertainment. There is a flourishing small-business sector that includes pub entertainments and single artists such as party and street entertainers, but the bulk of the market is contained within three areas: 1.cinemas 2. Theatre 3. Stadia/arenas Cinema-was very popular in the first half of the 20th century. Then when colour televisions and video players appeared cinemas started to lose there appeal to the public. Cinema companies were not refurbishing their buildings, most of which were built in the 1930ââ¬â¢s, and were finding profit by selling them off as bingo halls. Some survived by aiming at niche markets(e.g. Corner House in Manchester). These ââ¬Ëart houseââ¬â¢ cinemas show foreign films. The main market is for commercial English-language films. In the 1980s there was a major review of how films were presented. This resulted in multiplexes being invented. They are equipped with the following features: * Modern luxurious buildings with high-quality projection and sound * Multi screens to show move films than one * Easy access often at out-of-town centres * Good customer care The closest multiplex cinema around is the Warner Brothers Village in Longwell Green. This complex has all the features shown above Theatre-the London theatres are highly profitable with a city audience and a huge tourist market. Even then, they increasingly stick to a formula of musicals or familiar plays with big name actors. For example Chitty Chitty Bang Bang was shown at Londonââ¬â¢s Palindrome with Michael Ball starring in it. The package largely consists of touring West End shows, nostalgia and tribute bands, comedians and spectacles like circus and ice shows. The main London Theatre companies are: * Delfont Mackintosh Theatres * Ambassador Theatre Group * Really Useful Theatres * SFX (Apollo) Apollo leisure is the leading national chain Arenas and Stadia- these are large multi-purpose buildings for very large audiences. Arenas(indoor) for example are likely to put on conferences and trade exhibitions as well as concerts, while stadia(outdoor) are designed especially for sport. An example of a stadia is Ashton Gate home to Bristol City Football Club. Many arenas are owned by Local Authorities or development corporations. Good examples of this are the various halls and centres in Birmingham ,including the National Arena. Sports and physical recreation These activities can be grouped as follows: * Informal recreation(play, walking, gardening) * Competitive sport (football, tennis, golf) * Outdoor activities (sailing, climbing) * Health and fitness (jogging, yoga) Many activities can often be put into more than one category. For example, swimming in the sea is informal, swimming for a club is competitive, swimming in a conventional pool can be seen as health and fitness. Each component has a different profile in the type of facilities and services it produces. Informal physical recreation or exercise- this is the most popular activity nationally. Nobody knows the hours children spend playing or adults spend gardening. We pursue these activities because they are cheap, available and donââ¬â¢t require a lot of skill. The enjoyment we get from them often depends on the environment we do them in. Competitive Sport-most people associate sport with the professional game. This means they are spectators, and it is the spectators money that underpins professional sport. Facilities were often run down to the extent that some were dangerous for crowds, e.g. Hillsborough 1989. Providers have found that profits increase when standards of customer care and corporate hospitality are improved. This has led to the building of a new generation of high-class stadia and race tracks and other facilities where the key services are: * Presentation of the core event * Merchandising * Catering * Safety and security Amateur sport is geared around participation and voluntary clubs. As land and buildings are expensive, many clubs use facilities provided by Local Authorities. Many outdoor sports clubs have their own facilities although there is an even greater number of players who use recreation grounds. There are about 78,000 pitches in the country. Thirty years ago amateur sport was largely centred on outdoor team games. Competitive sport means participation and developing skills and there is a sizeable industry for coaches and instructors. Despite its profile, competitive sport is on the decline and organisations like Sport England are concerned that as a nation we are losing our sporting skills and becoming less fit and healthy. For example, many governing bodies have big school-based programmes, and Local Authorities will run schemes in deprived areas where people cannot afford to play sport or go to health suites. Outdoor Activities-there are over a thousand centres in the UK which specialise in providing outdoor adventure holidays. Facility provision is also essential for outdoor sports, meaning the upkeep of the environment, and this is regulated by the organisations under the Countryside Agency umbrella, such as the Forestry Commission, Local Authorities or National Trust. For most participants activity in the natural world is occasional, and more time will be spent in training in built facilities such as pools or climbing walls. Profitable areas such as skiing, sailing, private sector companies are the main providers. Health and Fitness- there are now at least 2,500 private health and fitness clubs in the UK- it is a boom industry that many young people see as the exciting place to work in leisure. Private sector will increasingly dominate the market and eventually also manage and invest in public sector facilities on behalf of Local Authorities. The central product of these clubs is the fitness room consisting of cardiovascular equipment and perhaps free weights, and frequently areas with small pools, jacuzzis and saunas.. Heritage and visitor attractions The heritage industry concerns buildings and materials that have historical value. Thirty years ago these were largely stately homes, castles, ruins such as Stonehenge and battlefields. Heritage was often about how the rich and famous had lived or what they had collected, or about culture(e.g. Shakespeare). Now it has expanded to include a much wider interpretation of historical value. Whether the attraction is a theme park or museum, the organisers will do their best to employ all the techniques of facility management to look after the customer and make the product interesting. In a theme park the excitement of the rides is a key feature and bringing new and more exciting rides brings in more customers. The difference between a visitor attraction and a heritage site is that the latter involves considerable work behind the scenes which the public never sees. The most popular tourist attractions are: * Museums and galleries- British Museum * Theme parks- Blackpool Pleasure Beach * Historic houses and monuments- Tower of London * Wildlife parks and zoos- London Zoo Many heritage sites are owned by Trusts and limited companies that have been set up to manage individual sites, while many stately homes are owned and run by two big organisations: * English Heritage- is the national body responsible for the management, promotion and conservation of 400 archaeological sites and the historic environment * The National Trust- is a trust set up in 1895 to preserve places of historic interest or natural beauty. Its sites include a range from Paul McCartneyââ¬â¢s teenage home to stately homes like Waddesdon Manor Museums-are not usually run by the private sector, largely because of high costs. Many museums started life as private collections which were later donated to the nation or the local community. Libraries-apart from their lending their services which we will look at later, they are largely involved in the heritage sector. They have a back-room role of collecting important documents including maps, and making these available to the public. This is known as the records and archives service. Catering Leisure catering includes pubs and clubs, restaurants, cafes and takeaways. Its firmly placed in the private sector with some exceptions. A catering company provides a service according to the specification of the ââ¬Ëclientââ¬â¢ and often under the clientââ¬â¢s name. Many leisure centres and theatres buy in service in this way. The catering sector has various components that make eating out an enjoyable experience: the provision of food and drink; entertainment, such as jazz at Pizza Express, games; and security in the form of door staff. Eating out is an increasingly important and available leisure experience. The fast-food business is booming with a growth rate of 30 per cent. This growth is at the expense of takeaways and cafes, and especially of pubs and clubs. Fast food tends to be run by chains that can make economies of scale by producing the same product in each outlet. Many breweries have followed this trend and operate chains like Harvester restaurants within their pubs. In contrast cafes, restaurants and takeaways tend to be run and owned by family businesses. Countryside recreation The countryside is the natural, national playground and one which is used by walkers, ramblers and those involved in more active outdoor activities. A survey in 1998 by the National Centre for Social Research showed that 1,427 million day visits to the countryside were made and a further 241 million to the coast. Like any leisure facility such usage will have an impact which in turn will lessen, and even threaten, the leisure experience itself. Organisations working in countryside recreation are therefore primarily stewards who maintain, manage and regulate the environment and also produce information and education. An important organisation funded by the Countryside Commission is the National Parks Authority. This is responsible for the regulation and interpretative service inside twelve National Parks, which are designated areas of significant natural beauty and wilderness. The Local Authority has a part to play in managing and regulating country parks. In many cases it also owns the land and will act as landlord to any tenants in the park, such as farmers. Home-based leisure This is cheap, easy and relaxing. The equipment most popularly used are: radios, videos, TV sets, gardening materials and home fitness machines is normally provided by the private sector. The main exceptions are the library lending services in the public sector. Except for broadcasting this component is retail based. As the internet is more widely used, shopping for leisure on the net is likely to increase. Free services like Tesco mean more people are using the net.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Irish and Chinese Experience in America Essay
The end of the civil war and the beginning of the industrial revolution started an increase of immigration into the United States because of a need for low paid workers. Immigrants from around the world fled to America taking valuable jobs away from American citizens. Immigrants who came to the United States sought out every job known to man. Anything from sweeping floors to craftsman was available to the immigrants. From 1880-1920 the population of the United States ascended from 50,155,783 to 105,710,620. 1 An increase of approximately 55 million people marked the start of the industrial revolution. The population of immigrants that came to the United States in the time period of 1880-1920 was about 15,000,000. 2 Fifteen million immigrants just in the period of forty years came to the United States and all in need of a job. Two groups in particular, the Irish and the Chinese. Both The irish and the chinese have many similarities and differences in their experience in america. Some of these are shared yet others are sole experiences of one group. The origins of Chinese migration started after Senator Thomas hart Benton of Missouri proclaimed movement towards Asia as Americaââ¬â¢s Manifest Destiny. Manifest destiny was the notion that the ââ¬Å"whiteâ⬠race was destined to expand and rule the earth. Manifest destiny contributed as the primary reason for the largest acquisition of U. S. territory. As americans started to search for new lands in Asia, Asians Immigrants set there eyes on America. After the Annexation of california, Aaron H. Palmer proposed chinese laborers to be imported to build transcontinental railroad and also to cultivate the lands of california. Around 1849, Chinese migrants began arriving in America. The chinese migrated to the states for their own reasons which were getting away from the intense conflicts in china caused by british opium wars. Many migrants were also fleeing from the turmoil of peasant rebellions such as the Taiping Rebellion. Hard economical conditions were also a reason why chinese Migrants sleeked survival in America. Chinese immigrants migrated to america voluntarily as free labor. They wanted to earn money and go back to their native land. The Chinese were sojourners while the Irish were settlers. Most of the chinese migrants were married with wives in china and were mostly illiterate. While the Irish immigrated to America with Families, as settlers. While the chinese fled to America for a better future, the Irish migrated to America due to ââ¬Å"starvationâ⬠. Irish, came in massive numbers due to a struggling economy in result of the potato famine. in the mid 1800s the Irish people suffered a severe impact when the Potato famine struck. It left many Irish poor beyond poverty. With the drastic loss of their main source of economy the Irish people were left no other choice then to come to America. The Irish described their migration to america in terms such as ââ¬Å"exilesâ⬠or ââ¬Å"homelessâ⬠. By Takakiââ¬â¢s accounts the Irish felt as if they were driven away from their homeland by ââ¬Å"English Tyrannyâ⬠. The english were seen as ââ¬Å"savage tyrantsâ⬠The Irish felt they had to go to America, and that it was a necessity for them. Another factor that contributed in the Irish migration was the idea of religious freedom. The Irish Immigrants were predominately catholic, this makes them the first major non-protestant group to enter the US, immediately causing Americans to perceive them as a threat. The chinese mostly came to america with the intent of going back to their families, WHile the Irish immigrated with their families with the intent of staying in America. The background of why both groups parallel in aspects of better future and hard economies, and resentment of british rule. Both the chinese and Irish were Transnational, living in both countries at the same time. Both groups sent letter homes, the chinese used family and villager networks to send letters home. Irish sent letters home describing the country that had no tyranny, with no intentions of going back. The chinese on the other hand ultimate goal was to save enough money to go back and build a better life for family back home. The flow direction of both groups were different. The chinese set out for the ââ¬Å"Gold mountainâ⬠while the Irish fled english oppression to cross the atlantic to America. The chinese migrated far less in numbers compared to the Irish. The chinese migrated in hundreds of thousands while the Irish migrated in millions. Between 1815 and 1845 one million Irish came to America. By 1850, the Irish made up a quarter of the population in Boston, Massachusetts; New York City; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; and Baltimore, Maryland. In addition, Irish populations were prevalent among American mining communities. By 1870, there were 63,000 chinese in the united states, 77 percent were living in california and elsewhere in the West,southwest, New England and the south. Both groups struggled effectively to get incorporated in the American Economy. The chinese worked hard in the californian mines, railroads and the fields. At first the Chinese were welcomed in california for their hard work and low wages. The chinese workers brought a lot profit to their employers. Due to their low wage, long hours, and no need to provided services such as lodging. The owners profited and preferred the chinese labor over americans. The fear of chinese gaining power to vote and chinese boys going to the same schools as the whites, several legislation passed to prevent them from doing so. In 1852, the california legislature passed a law that would tax foreign miners, who did not desire to become a citizen. Even if they wanted to chinese could not have become citizens, because of the 1790 Naturalization Law that reserved naturalized citizenship for ââ¬Å"whites. â⬠This Federal law limited naturalization to immigrants who were ââ¬Å"free white personsâ⬠of ââ¬Å"good moral characterâ⬠. It left out American Indians, indentured servants, slaves, free blacks, and Asians. The chinese miners were taxed 3 dollars monthly, the sate profited 5 millions from the chinese by the 1870. The early economic incorporation of the Irish started from the lowest step of the ladder. Irish immigrants did not usually posses any real skilled forms of labor, So the work which they received was very menial. They worked the jobs that American citizens left behind, like cleaning and excavating, mining, construction, roads, canals,railroads. (Basically jobs that were surrounded by filth) The living and working conditions of both immigrants were extremely dangerous. Both groups worked on building Railroads. In 1865, fifty chinese workers were hired by the central pacific railroad to help lay tracks for the transcontinental line. The number of chinese workers increased to 12,000 within 2 years. The chinese labor were preferred due to low wages and no cost of board and lodging. The construction of the central pacific Railroad was a chinese achievement. The conditions were harsh and the work was long. The chinese were forced to work through the winter. Many died in the snow slides,in the winter of 1866. Shortly after the chinese went on strike demanding higher wages, and 8 hour work days. The demands were not met and the strikers were starved, and forced back to work.. alike there chinese counterparts, the irish workers built thousands of miles of rail lines such as the western and Atlantic railroad from Atlanta to Chattanooga and the Union pacific segment of the transcontinental railroad. Chinese were central to the construction of the central pacific railroad while the Irish were central to the construction of union pacific railroad. The Irish like the Chinese worked long hours. The Irish became Disposable workers. The Irish were assigned to jobs that were to dangerous for ââ¬Å"americanââ¬â¢sâ⬠. Irish workers had high accident rates. The Irish resist and sung songs for survival and morale. The Irish workers were treated poorly and treated as dogs. The Central Pacific railroad released thousands of chinese workers in 1869, after the completion of the railroad. These workers went to San francisco and were employed by boot, shoes,woolen,cigar and industries. Hundred of chinese also became tenant farmers and sharecroppers. With the passage of Chinese exclusion Act in 1882,the chinese demanded higher wages. Chinese exclusion Act was one of the most significant restrictions on free immigration in U. S. history, prohibiting all immigration of Chinese laborers. Chinese workers continued to be harassed and excluded the chinese from unions and industrial jobs, however the chinese fought against discrimination. Chinese six companies lobbied for civil rights of the chinese people. During the negations for the Burlingame Treaty the Six chinese companies successfully got the US Gov to recognize their right to immigrate to the US. The Chinese had many hurdles in the socio-economical spec term of the united states. In 1900 only 5% of chinese were women. External and cultural factors contributed to low number of female immigration to the US. Chinese tradition and culture restricts movement of women. Women were expected to take care of the house/in laws and was expected to stay at home. It was also expensive to immigrate with wife. It was also a hostage theory so the husband keeps sending money home and eventually returns home. Although women who did migrate were mostly working as prostitutes. By 1870, 61 % of chinese women were prostitutes. Although difficult, but some chinese were able to have families. The fire after the earthquake destroyed all records in San Francisco. People who were already here could now claim they were born here and become citizens. These led to paper son and daughters. Under fourteen amendment granting american citizenship to children of citizens born abroad. This paper method was an important way of entering the US in the 1906, and created a new wave of chinese immigrants to the United States. Gradually the chinese moved from sojourners to settlers. Chinese were building communites, and held bussiness such as laundaryââ¬â¢s and shops in china town. The chinese also started to create organizations and communites. For example Tongs were an organization to control contrymen, and their objective was to protect and work with better relationshipes with the Americans. The orginazation also controled opium trade and prostitution. Fongs was also an organizatoin that was created by family and villagers to maintain clubhouses and temples. The fongs also serviced letters home and sent bodies home of the dead. Six chinese companies was also created for educational and health purposes, it also worked for equal rights. These organizatoins were a big part of the chinese community in America, they dictated, control and advocated for the chinese immigrants. The enviroment for The second generation was improved after world war II. Most chinese americans, expecially women were forced into their parents etnic enclave working for their familys or friends bussines. Early Irish Economic incorporation started at the bottom of dual labor market where they had to compete with nonwhite labor. The chinese were hard workers and were hired to when there was shortage of white workers. Crocker hired chinese workers and when whites complained he threaten to fire them. The chinese worker made lots of profits for their employers. Crocker also explained that the chinese workers are elevating whiter workers. While the chinese worked as labores ther whites can be in managment/supervisory postions. The Irish were at the same woorking pool as the chinese and blacks. Irish workers in the Shoe factory created a organization to fight low wages. Knights of Crispin demanded higher wages. An employer replaced his Irish workers with chinese and was praised by the press. The Irish were reffered to as unrully, and were imaged as race of savages. The Irish were also descriminated against and depicted as lacking puntuality. They were viewed the same as blacks. To gain higher status in the social and political areana the Irish used ââ¬Å"white antagonismâ⬠to gain political and social status in the american society. The Irish also played the race card to their advantage. They used the white racism strategy in competting with the chinese in california and African Americans in the Northeast. After being depicted as the same level as African americans, The Irish started to point out there supremacy by poining out that they were white. From being outsiders they wanted to be insiders. They did so by claiming they were americans. They claimed they were americans by attacking blacks and posing as insiders. The Irish slowly started to asimilate from forigners to americans. The Democratic party welcomed the Irish, due to their high numbers, as voters, party members, but not office holders before the civil war. By the 1830ââ¬â¢s the cathlic Irish stongly identified as democrats. The democratic party emphasised the ââ¬Å"Irish whitnessâ⬠to sommoth over divisions withing the party. They pointed out that the Irish were white, and thus deserved equal rights. More Irish Women started to migrage due to bad economical situtions. Women migrated to America in hopes of finding a job. Irish women entered domestic service because of room and board incentive because they were mostly single. Maids also got payied higher then a factory worker. Although they worked long hours,These domestic workers were expirencimg american cutlure first hand and was eaiser for them to adopt and settel in the american culture. The second generation of Irish had more economical mobility, were educated. 19 percent of Irish women born in America worked as servants,or laudress compared to 61 percent of the immigent generation. Most of female immigrants were illiterate, but there daughters were educated and took white collar jobes such as teachers, nurses, and secreteries. The second generation Irish had wider acceptance in the society. Political invorment also helped in adoption to the new country. Irishââ¬â¢s democratic invoment gave them a higher edge in the society. In NY, Boston, chicago, and SF Irish political machines fuctioned as Robin Hoods for the the Irish people. Irish amricans took white collar jobs and held important postions within the cities. The Irished used an ethnic strategy based on dominance, by using white supremacy in America. The Irish Dominated in the trade unions/ and held high skilled jobs which created ââ¬Å"wages of Whiteness. â⬠Irish workers continued comapinn to make american labor equal ââ¬Å"white laborâ⬠. They started to monopolis better jobs, and excluded African Americans, chinese and japanese. The second generation made goals for their future while still remembered their culture through songs. Chinese and Irish Immirgrants struggled to make their place in the American society. Both Groups had to deal with Racism and discrimination. The settelment and economic socio- political adaption of both groups were drastically different from one another. The Irish were easily incorporated in the political areana because of their voting power. While the Chinese had a harder time because of the early legislation which did not grant chinese citizenships. I feel the Irish had some advantages over the Chinese migrants. Knowledge of the English language being one advantage and Experience in political organization which The Irish had mobilized labor movements against British, this made the Irish more politically savvy. Another factor why the Irish moved up the labor ladder was because they looked like americans and they used that as an advantaged to become the insiders. The chinese chose to live in their own nehiobrhoods which hindered them in adapting to amercan culture. If the chinese were more adaptive then They might of been more accepted by the society. ? ? ? ? ?
Thursday, November 7, 2019
English Essay
English Essay What Is an English Essay? The term English Essay doesnt necessarily imply that this should be some special kind of an essay. English essay signifies that the essay is going to be related to either English language/literature or will require you to show good command of English, including your ability to analyze, critically evaluate the problems presented and express your thoughts clearly. An English essay, therefore, is a very general term, which should meet the essential requirements of the essay writing process. You will need to do some research, plan, draft and proofread your essay. Anyone reading your essay will expect to find some kind of introduction, they will expect to follow a logical argument, and will expect there to be a conclusion. More about Essay Writing How to Write an English Essay? If you follow the methods and structure suggested below your English essay should be easier to write, easier to read, and score higher. Your essay writing process will become a much more enjoyable and valuable exercise than it was in the past. The Stages of Writing Your English Essay Stage 1. Research: Read your class notes, texts, and other books. Stage 2. Plan: Think about the title of your essay and what is expected of you. Stage 3. Theme/Ideas: Decide what the essay is about. Stage 4. Structure: Introduction, text, and conclusion. Stage 5. Drafting: Startà to do the writing. Stage 6. Proof-reading: Check spelling and grammar. Stage 7. Bibliography: List your sources. If you need more information or any kind of academic assistance in the process of writing your English essay, there are always professional writers who will be able to assist you in order to ensure a top-notch result and make your writing experience enjoyable. Order any kind of English Essay on our order page.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Why hiring managers should embrace automation
Why hiring managers should embrace automation One of the most important aspects of the Human Resources professional is right there in the name: ââ¬Å"human.â⬠And if you value the humanity of the process- meeting new people, finding the exact right fit for recruits, helping people get settled into their new jobs- then the new wave of technology- and automation-focused hiring can feel a littleâ⬠¦cold. But it doesnââ¬â¢t have to be that way. Embracing this new wave of technology can enhance your work, and help make your job more efficient. Automation is inevitableNothing is certain except death, taxesâ⬠¦and new technology. Iââ¬â¢m guessing youââ¬â¢re not using a rotary phone or a typewriter anymore, so itââ¬â¢s time to acknowledge that automating the hiring and recruiting processes (at least somewhat) is the way the industry is moving forward. In fact, according to recent research,à 75%à of hiring managersà use applicant tracking orà recruiting softwareà to improve their hiring process.Automatio n saves timeHow much of your time is spent reviewing resumes or cover letters? And how many of those materials are from people who arenââ¬â¢t a good fit, and would never qualify for an interview? While youââ¬â¢re investing time toward a specific goal (finding the ones who are qualified to bring in for an interview), the process could be so much cleaner by the time it gets to you. Having an automated first responder, like screening software, does a lot of the prework that doesnââ¬â¢t really serve the ultimate goal. Spend your time on people, not on the paperwork.Automation helps improve the hiring processAutomated software and processes can yield more data than we could ever get from eyeballing resumes. With raw data on whoââ¬â¢s applying for positions and what qualifications they have (based on a parsing of their resume), hiring managers can get clear pictures about the applicant pool, and also use that data to refine job descriptions, interview questions, and the more q ualitative aspects of the job search. Automation now can make your hiring process easier and easier in the future.Automation can do deeper analysisItââ¬â¢s not just reading or scanning software that can improve the process- itââ¬â¢s also digital tools for automating interviews. By analyzing everything from word choice to speech patterns to facial expressions, predictive programs can give data-based analysis of how well a candidate aligns with qualities you set ahead of time.hbspt.cta.load(2785852, '9e52c197-5b5b-45e6-af34-d56403f973c5', {});Automation is a tool, not a replacementItââ¬â¢s natural to be concerned that handing over key job responsibilities to, essentially, a robot is signing oneââ¬â¢s own certificate of obsolescence. But in reality, itââ¬â¢s about using tools to work smarter and more efficiently and make even better use of your time and skills as a hiring manager. It can help you find and hire better people, and free up some of your time- one of the most valuable professional resources- for things that require more qualitative effort and attention.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Child Abuse and Role of the Family Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Child Abuse and Role of the Family - Essay Example This paper discusses child abuse and role of the family in a concise and comprehensive way. As summarized by the World Health Organization (2002, online), "Child abuse or maltreatment constitutes all forms of physical and/or emotional ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect or negligent treatment or commercial or other exploitation, resulting in actual or potential harm to the child's health, survival, development, or dignity in the context of a relationship of responsibility, trust, or power." Child physical abuse involves a parent or caretaker intentionally inflicting physical pain on the child and can range, for example, from shaking, dragging, or spanking a child to the extremes of kicking, punching, or beating. Child sexual abuse involves a caretaker using a child for sexual gratification and can range from non-contact abuse (proposition, exhibition) to the extremes of actual penetration, to commercial sexual exploitation. Child emotional abuse involves inflicting psychological pain on the child (Child Trauma Academy, 2003). This includes, for example, yelling at, ridiculing, degrading, or humiliating a child; communicating that the child is flawed or unlovable; threatening a child or a child's loved one; exposure to domestic violence. Child neglect involves a caretaker's failure to provide for the child's basic needs. This includes physical neglect (adequate shelter, food, clothing), medical neglect (adequate health care), cognitive or educational neglect (intellectual stimulation, involvement in child's schooling), supervision neglect (monitoring the child's whereabouts, involvement in child's activities), and emotional neglect (providing emotional responsiveness, support, and affection). Prenatal neglect and abuse (failure to obtain proper care and/or substance abuse during pregnancy) constitutes yet another category of maltreatment (McLoyd, 1998). The consequences of child maltreatment are considerable, not only for the child, but also for society. Some consequences for the child are greater for one type of maltreatment than another. For example, child neglect is most strongly associated with the child having a lower IQ and lower educational achievement; child physical abuse with the child engaging in violence as a teen and adult; and, child emotional abuse with subsequent psychopathology. However, all forms of maltreatment are associated with adverse effects for children and the adults they become (Small, Luster, 1994). Child physical and emotional abuse and neglect all increase the likelihood that the child will subsequently: * - Be cognitively impaired (e.g., lower IQ and cognitive development; lower grades and
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